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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Brian Palmer, glucose catalized by glycolysis, energy coupling links anabolism, electron carriers during glycolysis, enzymes a specific enzyme ATP synthase, krebs cycle produces ATP, glucose catalized by krebs cycle, fermentation endergonic reaction non spontanious, chemical energy catalized by enzymes, cell respiration generates ATP, cell respiration oxidization oxidative phosphorylation, chemiosmosis happens during cell respiration, active site alters enzyme shape by competitve inhibitor, ATP synthase catalizes molecules to make ATP, oxidative phosphorylation example of transition state, electoron transport chain delivers through electron carriers, photosynthesis uses solar energy, mitochondria happens in mitochondria electoron transport chain, energy coupling links catabolism, electoron transport chain substrate to cell respiration, activation energy example energy coupling